EnderStorage | |
Name | EnderStorage |
Creator | Unknown |
Type | Special storage |
Latest Version | |
Minecraft Version | 1.9.4 |
Website | Chicken Bones Homepage |
Forum | Minecraft Forum post |
Root Mod | CodeChickenCore |
Modpacks | Age of Engineering Bevo's Tech Pack Blast Off! Cloud 9 1.7 Pack Crundee Craft DNS Techpack Direwolf20 1.10 Direwolf20 1.12 Pack Direwolf20 1.16 Pack Direwolf20 1.5 Pack Direwolf20 1.6 Pack Direwolf20 1.7 Pack Direwolf20 Config Pack Season 2 Direwolf20 Config Pack Season 3 Direwolf20 Config Pack Season 4 ...more |
EnderStorage is a mod developed by ChickenBones that adds multiple Ender Chests with separate inventories. It also adds the Ender Pouch, an item that allows access to the contents of a corresponding Ender Chest from anywhere. This mod overrides the vanilla Ender Chest.
The storage of multiple sets of items in the End is facilitated by identifying different Ender Chests with a 3-color code on the lid of each chest. A player may use dyes to change the color code of a chest or bag such that a network of chests and bags can be created for storing items. Development of this mod was initiated before the Ender Chest was added to vanilla Minecraft. In latest releases changing the color codes is made by Ctrl+clicking with dye in hand on specific wool buttons.
EnderStorage is ideal for transporting items over long distances. BuildCraft Pipes and RedPower Pneumatic Tubes may be used to move items in and out of EnderChests, following the same behavior of other chests.