Chunk Loader Activator (TrainCraft)

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Chunk Loader Activator
Chunk Loader Activator

Chunk Loader Activator

Name Chunk Loader Activator
Source Mod TrainCraft
ID Name
Type tool
Stackable no
Durability 10

The Chunk Loader Activator is an tool used to give a locomotive ability to load chunk around. It allows trains to travel long distances without the presence of a player. Or it can be useful for very long trains.

Right click on a Locomotive to start/stop chunk loaded. Locomotives will load chunks around attached carts.


GUI Train Workbench.png
Train Workbench

Ender Pearl
Blaze Rod
Blaze Rod

Chunk Loader Activator (TrainCraft)


Chunk Loader Activator (TrainCraft) has no known uses in crafting.