Redstone Chipset

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Redstone Chipset
Redstone Chipset

Name Redstone Chipset
Source Mod BuildCraft
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Redstone Chipset is a basic Chipset used to craft Gates. To craft a Redstone Chipset, an Assembly Table is required.

Using a Redstone Chipset, one can turn an AND Gate into an OR Gate and vice-versa by putting them together in a Crafting Table.


GUI Assembly Table.png
Redstone Dust

Redstone Chipset

100000 RF

GregTech 5[edit]

GUI Precision Laser Engraver GT5.png
Precision Laser Engraver
Redstone Plate (GregTech 5)
Ruby Lens
Ruby Lens
Redstone Chipset
6000 EU
120 EU/t
120 EU
2.5 secs


Redstone Chipset can be used to create the following items: