Bottle of Creosote Oil

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Bottle of Creosote Oil
Bottle of Creosote Oil

Name Bottle of Creosote Oil
Source Mod Immersive Engineering
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance MC 1.7.10
Type Item
Stackable Yes (16)
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The Bottle of Creosote Oil is an item added by the Immersive Engineering mod. It is typically used for making Treated Wood Planks for Immersive Engineering generators and crates. To acquire, place a vanilla glass bottle into the top right input slot of a Coke Oven and add coal to the oven to turn into coal coke and creosote oil. Alternatively, right-click the oven with a bottle to fill it without accessing the oven's GUI. Using the bottles for treated wood production does not consume them so they can be used indefinately.


Bottle of Creosote Oil can be used to create the following items: