Crushed Platinum Ore (Ex Nihilo)

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Crushed Platinum Ore
Crushed Platinum Ore

Crushed Platinum Ore

Name Crushed Platinum Ore
Source Mod Ex Nihilo
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Crushed Platinum Ore is an item from Ex Nihilo which can be made into Platinum Ore Sand.


GUI Sieve.png
Crushed Iron Ore (Ex Nihilo)
Crushed Aluminum Ore
Crushed Osmium Ore (Ex Nihilo)
Crushed Copper Ore (Ex Nihilo)
Crushed Tin Ore (Ex Nihilo)
Crushed Gold Ore (Ex Nihilo)
Crushed Lead Ore (Ex Nihilo)
Crushed Nickel Ore (Ex Nihilo)
Crushed Silver Ore (Ex Nihilo)
Crushed Platinum Ore (Ex Nihilo)
Cocoa Beans
Cactus Seeds (Ex Nihilo)
Exotic Seed
Ancient Spores (Ex Nihilo)

Grid Hammer-Ex-Nihilo.png
Platinum Ore Gravel
Crushed Platinum Ore (Ex Nihilo)

Note: Each chance can be increased by 10% with each level of fortune enchantment.


Crushed Platinum Ore (Ex Nihilo) can be used to create the following items: