Extractor module

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The first tier of Extractor Module from Logistics Pipes. The Extractor module extract one item every 100 ticks (5 seconds) from the inventory they are connected to, like a powered wooden pipe, and insert them into the network. Extractor modules have sneaky functionality (they can be configured to behave as if they are attached to a side other than the one they are actually attached to).

It can also extract from an Applied Energistics network through an ME interface, everything in the network is extracted (except for items the extractor is configured to ignore).

Extractor module
Extractor module

Name Extractor module
Source Mod Logistics Pipes
ID Name Unknown
Type Logistics Module
Stackable Yes (64)


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Lapis Lazuli
Blank module (Logistics Pipes)

Extractor module

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Lapis Lazuli

Blank module (Logistics Pipes)

Extractor module