High-Pressure Turbine

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High-Pressure Turbine
High-Pressure Turbine

Name High-Pressure Turbine
Source Mod ReactorCraft
ID Name
Type Machine
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

A "High-Pressure Turbine" in ReactorCraft is a type of shaft power generator. It can generate roughly six gigawatts at 65536 rad/s and large Nm by taking in steam made by reactors such as the Fission Reactor, or the highly complex Fusion Reactor (ReactorCraft).

This turbine will turn off if it receives a redstone signal, so ensure no blocks/levers nearby are giving it redstone power.


GUI Worktable.png
Propeller Blade
Propeller Blade
Propeller Blade
Propeller Blade
Turbine (ReactorCraft)
Propeller Blade
Propeller Blade
Propeller Blade
Propeller Blade

High-Pressure Turbine


High-Pressure Turbine has no known uses in crafting.