Irradiant Uranium

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Irradiant Uranium
Irradiant Uranium

Name Irradiant Uranium
Source Mod Advanced Solar Panels
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Irradiant Uranium is created by surrounding a Refined Uranium in 4 Glowstone Dust.

It can be used in Advanced Solar Panels, where it replaces the glass in the normal Solar Panel recipe. It is also used in the creation of Enriched Sunnarium.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Glowstone Dust

Glowstone Dust
Refined Uranium
Glowstone Dust

Glowstone Dust

Irradiant Uranium

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode[edit]

GUI Assembly Table.png
Uranium Ingot (Advanced Solar Panels)


Irradiant Uranium


Irradiant Uranium can be used to create the following items: