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A mod about expanding the possibilities of pistons.
Name Pistronics
Creator Unknown
Type Mechanical
Latest Version 0.5.1
Minecraft Version 1.7.10
Forum Minecraft Forums
Root Mod Minecraft Forge
Modpacks Resonant Rise

"This mod doesn’t come with a complicated tech tree or expensive recipes, because I believe that the challenge shouldn’t be farming resources but to setup things in a clever way, especially for such a building focused mod." - Letiu

The main purpose of Pistronics is to build complicated piston contraptions. There are two main blocks to aid the player in this purpose, which are the Rotator, and Mechanic Piston. These three parts work together to create large contraptions not possible with vanilla pistons, or even frames.

One key thing to note is that while the blocks attached to the pistons are in motion, the player can pass right through them. This is the same case while they are spinning due to the Rotator.