Rejuvenation Explosives

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Rejuvenation Explosives
Rejuvenation Explosives

Rejuvenation Explosives

Name Rejuvenation Explosives
Source Mod ICBM
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Unknown
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

Rejuvenation Explosives are unique explosives from ICBM that, unlike TNT, do not destroy blocks in its radius. Instead, it resets the entire chunk to its original state. This can be extremely destructive, since anything built in this chunk will be completely destroyed. This explosive, while helpful in repairing large holes such as those left by a quarry, can also be used to destroy an enemy's base by regenerating that chunk. If the terrain generation algorithm changes between the time a chunk is explored and the time this explosive is used, the Rejuvenation Explosives will reset the chunk to what it would be under the newest algorithm, not its original state.

Rejuvenation Explosives can be used to duplicate diamonds and other ores when a chunk is restored, thus the expensive crafting recipe. It is possible for a chunk to contain enough ores to craft a Rejuvenation Explosives, making it possible to sustainably renew the chunk.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Block of Iron
Block of Iron
Block of Diamond
Block of Iron
Block of Iron
Rejuvenation Explosives