User:Dagger/Thaumcraft Cheat Sheet

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Item Ingredients
Gunpowder 6 * Cobblestone + 6 * Netherrack
Nitor 2 * Charcoal + 3 * Torch
Thaumium Ingot 1 * Iron Ingot + 4 * Chiselled Sandstone


See Research by Aspect.

List of Aspects[edit]

Full list: List of Aspects.

Aspect Symbol Aspect Name Items Containing Aspect Placed Blocks/Items/Conditions Providing Passive Research Bonus
Aer Aer
Weather, Mist, Climate
  • Wispy Essence x 4 (depends on wisp type)
Alienis Alienis
Eldritch, The End, Strange, Alien
  • Beacon x 6
  • Ender Pearl x 4
  • Eye of Ender x 3
  • Music Disc (far) x 4
  • Nether Star x 8
  • Obsidian Totem x 2
  • Dragon Egg x 1 (+2), x 2 (+4)
Animus Animus
Soul, Spirit
  • Soul Sand x 1
  • Undead monsters nearby
Aqua Aqua
Water, Fluid
  • Boat x 4
  • Cactus x 1
  • Reeds/Paper/Sugar x 2
  • Water Bottle x 1
  • Water blocks x 3
  • Cauldron x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
Aura Aura
Air, Wind, Breath
  • Dead Bush x 1
  • Feather x 2
  • Grass x 1
  • Aluminum x 2
  • Table at Y = 130
Bestia Bestia
Animal, Beast
  • Leather x 2
  • Raw Porkchop x 1
  • Wool (any) x 1
  • Animals Nearby
Bestolia Bestiola
Spider, Web, Insects
  • String x 1
  • Spiders x 2
Carus Carus
Expensive, Precious, Valuable
  • Smooth Sandstone x 1
  • Block of Gold
  • Diamond Block
Cognito Cognitio
Learning, Knowledge, Inquiry
  • Book x 5
  • Bookshelf x 12
  • Paper x 2
  • Brain in a Jar x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
  • Bookshelf x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
  • Head/skull (Any) x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
Corpus Corpus
Body, Flesh, Physique
  • Black Wool x 1
  • Bone Meal x 1
  • Cooked or Raw Chicken x 4
  • Cooked or Raw Porkchop x 4
  • Cooked or Raw Beef/Steak x4
  • Egg x 4
  • Rotten Flesh x 4
  • Player (standing in Crucible)
  • Player when below full health
Fabrico Fabrico
Create, Construct, Work
  • Crafting Table x 4
  • Anvil x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
Flos Flos
Flower, Bloom, Blossom
  • Flowers x 4
  • Magenta Dye or Wool x 1
  • Orange Dye or Wool x 2
  • Pink Dye or Wool x 1
  • Purple Dye or Wool x 1
  • Rose Red or Red Wool x 2
  • Yellow Die Wool x 2
  • Flowers (Any) x 3 (+1), x 23 (+5)
Fractus Fractus
Destrution, Fragmented, Shattered
  • Cobblestone x 1
  • TNT x 2 (+1), x 18 (+5)
Fungus Fungus
Mushroom, Toadstool, Fungi
  • Brown Mushroom x 4
  • Mushroom Stew x 3
  • Mushroom (Block) x 4
  • Mycelium x 1
  • Nether Wart x 1
  • Red Mushroom x 4
  • Large Mushroom x 3 (+1), x 23 (+5)
Gelum Gelum
Cold, Ice, Frost
  • Ice x 3
  • Snow x 3
  • Snowball x 1
  • Water Shard x 2
  • Ice x 3
Herba Herba
Herb, Plant, Grass
  • Saplings x 4
  • Seeds x 1
  • Leaves x 2
  • Saplings (Any) x 3 (+1), x 23 (+5)
Ignis Ignis
Fire, Heat, Burn
  • Charcoal or Coal x 2
  • Furnace x 2
  • Netherrack x 1
  • Fire x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
  • Lava
  • TNT x 2 (+1), x 18 (+5)
Imperito Imperito
Control, Command, Dominate
  • Lever x 1
  • Beacon
  • Another Player
Instrumentum Instrumentum
Instrument, Tool, Implement
  • Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe or Shovel x (depends on material)
  • Flint x 1
  • Shears x 4
  • Anvil x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
Lignum Lignum
Wood, Forest, Tree
  • Charcoal x 2
  • Log (any type) x 8
  • Saplings x 2
  • Wood blocks x 5 (+1), x 46 (+5)
Lux Lux
Light, Brightness, Day
  • Torch x 2
  • Sunlight
  • Beacon
Machina Machina
Mechanism, Machine, Device
  • Button (any) x 1
  • Nikolite (RedPower 2) x 2
  • Wooden Door x 1
  • Redstone Dust x 4 (+1), x 30 (+5)
  • Redstone Repeater x 3 (+1), x 18 (+5)
Malum Malum
Evil, The Nether, Malice
  • Creeper Head x 4
  • Ghast Tear x 4
  • Music Disc (stal) x 4
  • Skeleton Skull x 4
  • Wither Skeleton Skull x 4
  • Zombie Brain x 2
  • Zombie Head x 4
Messis Messis
Crops, Harvest
  • Apple x 2
  • Bread x 5
  • Carrot x 2
  • Potato x 2
  • Sugar Canes x 2
  • Pumpkin x 8
  • Wheat x 2
  • Tilled Ground x 3 (+1), x 23 (+5)
Metalum Metallum
Metal, Mine, Ore
  • Cinnabar Ore x 3
  • Clay (block) x 2
  • Copper/Tin/Silver/Bronze/Lead Ingot x 6
  • Iron Ingot x 8
  • Nugget (any) x 1
  • Quicksilver x 4
  • Iron Block x 1 (+1), x 6 (+5)
Mortuus Mortuus
Death, Decay, Undead
  • Bones x 6
  • Gray Dye x 1
  • Light Blue Dye x 1
  • Light Gray Wool x 1
  • Lime Dye x 1
  • Potion of Harming (I/II) x3 or 6
  • Rotten Flesh x 4
  • Zombies Nearby
  • Dead Bush x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
Motus Motus
Motion, Movement, Speed
  • Boat x 4
  • Doors x 1
  • Fence Gate x 1
  • Rubber x 2
  • Trapdoor x 1
  • Piston (Non-sticky) x 2 (+1), x 15 (+5)
Mutatio Mutatio
Flux, Chaos
  • Magma Cream x 2
  • Mossy Cobblestone x 1
  • Nether Wart x 1
  • Slimeball x 2
  • Wispy Essence x 1
Obscurus Obscurus
Unknown, Obscured
Pannus Pannus
Cloth, Fabric, Garment, Thread
  • String x 2
Permutatio Permutatio
Exchange, Change, Barter
  • Flax or Melon Seeds x 1
  • Seeds or Pumpkin Seeds x 1
  • Villager Nearby
Potentia Potentia
Power, Energy, Strength
  • Charcoal or Coal x 2
  • Nikolite (RedPower 2) x 2
  • Quartz Crystal x 1
  • Redstone x 2
  • Redstone Repeater x 5
  • Refined Uranium x 6
  • Apatite x 2
  • Redstone Dust x 4 (+1), x 30 (+5)
  • Redstone Repeater x 3 (+1), x 18 (+5)
Praecantatio Praecantatio
Magic, Sorcery
  • Chiseled Sandstone x 1
  • Block of Emerald
  • Enchanting Table
  • Brewing Stand x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
Purus Purus
Pure, Clean, Stainless
  • Silverwood Leaves x 1
  • Silverwood Log x 2
  • Refined Iron x 1
  • Silverwood Logs x 4 (+1), x 30 (+5)
Sano Sano
Heal, Repair, Make Sound
  • Cake x 5
  • Golden Apple (Block) x 8
  • Golden Apple (Nugget) x 4
  • Milk Bucket x 2
  • Potion of Health (I/II) x 3 or 6
  • Potion of Regeneration (I/II) x 3 or 6
  • Ambrosia x 4 (Forestry)
Saxum Saxum
Stone, Rock
  • Cobblestone x 1
  • Gravel x 1
  • Netherrack x 1
  • Obsidian x 5
  • Stone x 2
Solum Solum
Earth, Soil, Ground, Foundation
  • Dirt x 2
  • End Stone x 1
  • Gravel x 1
  • Netherrack x 1
  • Sand x 2
  • Soul Sand x 1
Sonus Sonus
Sound, Noise, Din
  • Jukebox x 8
  • Music Disc (any) x 12
  • Noteblock x 4
  • Cicada x 4
  • Jukebox x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
Telum Telum
Arrow, Sword, Weapon
  • Arrow x 1
  • Bow x 6
  • Cactus x 1
  • Potion of Strength (I/II) x3 or 6
  • Sword x 4-10
  • Iron Golem
Tempus Tempus
Time, Moment, Season
  • Clock x 3
  • Redstone Repeater x 1
  • Written book x 1
  • Phased Pollen x 2 (Thaumic Bees)
Tenebris Tenebris
Dark, Night, Blindness
  • Black Wool x 1
  • End Stone x 1
  • Ink Sac x 1
  • Obsidian x 1
Tutamen Tutamen
Defense, Protection, Security
  • Armor x 3-9
  • Enchanted Book of (any) Protection x 2-6
  • Leather x 1
  • Potion of Fire Resistance x 1
  • Iron Golem
Vacuos Vacuos
Empty, Void, Insubstantial
  • Bowl x 1
  • Chest x 4
  • Glass Phial / Bottle x 1
  • Wooden Chest (Vanilla chests only) x 1 (+1), x 9 (+5)
Venenum Venenum
Poison, Drug, Impure
  • Poisonous Potato x 2
  • Potion of Poison (I/II) x 3 or 6
  • Quicksilver x 1
  • Refined Uranium x 4
  • Spider Eye x 2
Victus Victus
Life force, Food, Sustenance
  • Apple x 2
  • Copper Dust / Ingot x 2
  • Melon x 1
  • Porkchop or Steak x 4
  • Sulfur x 2
  • Wheat x 2
Vinculum Vinculum
Bind, Imprison, Trap
  • Soul Sand x 1
  • String x 1
  • Wood Golem
  • Warded Jars
Visum Visum
Sight, Vision, Appearance
  • Carrot x 2
Vitreus Vitreus
Glass, Crystal, Gem, Transparent
  • Glass x 2
  • Glass Block x 5 (+1), x 50 (+5)
  • Block of Diamond
Volito Volito
Flight, Leap
  • Bee Drone (Any) x 2
  • Bee Princess (Any) x 2
  • Bee Queen (Any) x 4
  • Feather x 2
  • Projectile Protection
  • Raven's Feather x 2