Zephyrean Aerotheum

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Zephyrean Aerotheum
Zephyrean Aerotheum

Name Zephyrean Aerotheum
Source Mod Thermal Foundation
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 5.0
Hardness 1.0
Solid Fluid
Transparent Semi
Affected by Gravity Floats
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Grid Bucket.png

The Zephyrean Aerotheum is a block added by the Thermal Foundation mod.

A gaseous fluid that is lighter than air and flows upwards, including the source given there is no block in the way, to eventually dissipate into the atmosphere. A player cannot swim in it, but it will slow progress and falling while in it. Contact with it gives the status effects of Water Breathing and Invisibility that lingers for a short time after (0:30 and 0:03 respectively). It also deflects any projectiles that hits it towards another direction. A Player may also drink it using a Straw receiving the Water Breathing effect (4:00) and the Invisibility effect (1:00).


Thermal Expansion[edit]

GUI Magma Crucible.png
Aerotheum Dust

Fluid Gauge GUI 120.png



Zephyrean Aerotheum can be used to create the following items: