Altar of Light

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Altar of Light
Altar of Light

Name Altar of Light
Source Mod Xeno's Reliquary
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light Yes (15)
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

The Altar of Light (formally known as Altar of Alkahestry) is a Block added by Xeno's Reliquary that is able to create Glowstone. The Altar of Light will activate and light up if it is fed three Redstone Dust. When activated, it has a light value of 15, equivalent to that of a Redstone Lamp.

During daytime, the Altar will be active and create yellow particles, much like those of a potion or a villager who has been traded with (note that the Altar must be in direct sunlight for it to work). On the second day after activation, the Altar will spawn a single Glowstone block on top of itself which can then be harvested. To activate the Altar again, it must be given three more Redstone Dust. This process cannot be automated. The altar will not create Glowstone if the block above it is occupied.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Redstone Lamp
Redstone Lamp
Redstone Lamp
Redstone Lamp
Altar of Light