Firework Launcher

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Firework Launcher
Firework Launcher

Name Firework Launcher
Source Mod Misc Peripherals
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The firework launcher added by Misc Peripherals is used to shoot fireworks off, and can be paired with a turtle to craft a Firework Turtle. The standalone block is useful for storage, with 54 slots, but can only launch fireworks using a computer. A Firework Turtle is able to launch fireworks from its inventory.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Firework Launcher


Fill your Firework Launcher with some gunpowder and any modifiers that you want. With a computer placed next to the firework launcher, you must first wrap the peripheral, then use the following command:

  • launch (slot,slot,slot)

The first slot should specify the location of the gunpowder, and every slot after that is an effect (color, height, etc.)

See Also[edit]
