Turtle Teleporter

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Turtle Teleporter
Turtle Teleporter

Turtle Teleporter

Name Turtle Teleporter
Source Mod Misc Peripherals
ID Name Unknown
Type Machine
Stackable Yes (64)
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The Turtle Teleporter is a peripheral from Misc Peripherals with a single function, teleport(). This function will teleport the Turtle parked on the Teleporter's facing side to the destination teleporter linked to this one. The cost to teleport is the fuel it would take to normally reach the destination, multiplied by 2 (configurable). There's some fuzzy math if you decide to go cross-dimension. Teleporters are linked by right-clicking with a Redstone Repeater. Two-way teleporting requires a two-way link.


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Turtle Teleporter


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Eye of Ender
Turtle Teleporter
Eye of Ender
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Advanced Turtle Teleporter