Raw Ironwood Materials

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Raw Ironwood Materials
Raw Ironwood Materials

Name Raw Ironwood Materials
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Crafting Component
Stackable Yes (64)

Raw Ironwood Materials are the prerequisite material to obtaining Ironwood Ingots. They are created by combining a Liveroot (acquired by breaking Liveroots underground, something not affected by the Fortune enchantment), an Iron Ingot and a Gold Nugget in a crafting grid. This doubles the ingot yield upon smelting as one regular Iron Ingot becomes two Ironwood Ingots, but at the cost of a gold nugget and a Liveroot. While these iron ingots are a good upgrade from regular Iron being approximately twice as durable and providing a bit more protection when used in armor, Iron Ingots can also be upgraded into Fiery Ingots which are far stronger and more durable, as the Fiery Armor provides the same protection as Diamond, albeit with less durability.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot

Golden Nugget

Raw Ironwood Materials


Raw Ironwood Materials can be used to create the following items: