Essentia Locus

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Essentia Locus
Essentia Locus

Name Essentia Locus
Source Mod Automagy 1
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 30.0
Hardness 3.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Drops Essentia Locus Essentia Locus (1)
Water Shard Water Shard (6)
Required Tool Any tool will work, but a pickaxe is the most efficient.

Essentia Locus is a block added by the Automagy 1 mod. It is a main part of a multiblock structure which has the same name. The multiblock structure allows the player to collect all Essentia from all connected Warded Jars in one place and distribute it as if it was all there.

The mutiblock will accept up to 12 Warded Jars, Void Jars, Essentia Reservoirs and other Essentia storage devices which are standing on the blocks next to each other and one of them has to be connected to the Essentia Locus with Crystalline Eye.

Additional Water Crystal Clusters can be placed on the outer ring of the multiblock (on top of Silverwood Planks). Each additional Water Crystal Cluster allows an addinal Crystalline Eye to be connected to the Essentia Locus with up to 8 additional Essentia containers to be added to the multiblock.

Placing Vis Reader under the multiblock will provide summarized information about the Essentia in all containers linked to the multiblock.

Placing Essentia Aggregator above the Lapis Lazuli Block if the multiblock structure will allow the player to remove the Essentia from the containerts linked to the multiblock and use it during Infusion or fill other containers.

Constucting the Multiblock[edit]


In order to construct the multiblock, the player needs the following items:


  1. Place 12 Silverwood Planks around a 3x3 area.
  2. Place Lapis Lazuli Block in the center of the 3x3 area surrounded by Silverwood Planks.
  3. Place 8 Water in the remaining blocks of the 3x3 area.
  4. Place Water Crystal Cluster on top of the Lapis Lazuli Block.
  5. Place Essentia Locus on top of the Water Crystal Cluster.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Essentia Locus
Controlling the tide

Research aspects in this block[edit]


Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"You have plans for a system that will unify and guide the production and distribution of essentia across all your territory. At its heart - or rather, its nerve center - is the Essentia Locus.

The potential of this system is high but its beginnings may seem relatively humble. The locus will simply examine the contents of warded jars and relay the combined total. Still, this is most convenient as a vis reader could use it to react to the essentia total of all your jars, not just one.

Once the key component of the locus is crafted, it must be placed above a water crystal cluster that is above a block of lapis lazuli. The lapis should be encircled by water and the water should be contained on the sides by silverwood planks.

The Essentia Locus block must be placed last.

Once the locus is established, specify warded jars using crystalline eyes. A single eye can point to multiple jars: Any jars adjacent to the first's location and all similarly connected jars will be considered. Right-click on the locus with an attuned eye to put it to use. Right-click with an empty hand to remove a crystalline eye.

Normally, a maximum of twelve jars can be examined and only one crystalline eye can be used. Placing water crystal clusters adjacent to the silverwood planks of the construct increases this by eight jars and one eye per cluster. Each cluster also increases the maximum distance a group of jars can be from the locus.

Note that while a vis reader cannot be placed directly beneath the essentia locus block itself, one placed under any of the structure's water blocks will function and additional readers can be set up using remote comparators.

Essentia Reservoir:
You have found that the Essentia Locus is capable of obtaining essentia totals from an essentia reservoir similar to how it does so from warded jars. It didn't even take any additional calibration. You must have seen this day coming. Truly your genius knows no limits!"


GUI TC4 Infusion.png
Infusion Altar
Water Bucket (Minecraft)
Vis Filter (Thaumcraft 4)
Goggles of Revealing (Thaumcraft 4)
Essentia Resonator
Essentia Locus
Crystalline Brain: Water


Essentia Locus has no known uses in crafting.