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24,464 articles since October 19, 2012.
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The Feed The Beast Wiki

Welcome to the unofficial Feed The Beast Wiki, the biggest source of information on the popular modpack collection Feed the Beast! It is a community-driven encyclopedia created entirely by the fans of Feed The Beast, and is completely free to use.

The ultimate goal of is to provide an extensive, reliable resource for all things Feed The Beast with a focus on the original FTB modpacks. Anyone can contribute to, so don't be afraid to jump right in! Join our Facebook group to keep in touch with us there!

What is Feed The Beast?

Feed the Beast is a collection of modpacks for the popular sandbox-game Minecraft. Designed to enhance the game, Feed The Beast provides an easy way to play modded Minecraft without having to go through the hassle of installing each mod manually. All mods have been optimized and made compatible with each other in order to create a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience.

Feed The Beast adds another layer of complexity to Minecraft, introducing a huge number of new items, complex game mechanics, scenic world-generation, and much, much more to the regular game.

All mods in Feed The Beast have been added with permission of the authors. The FTB Launcher was first released on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012, with a live-stream broadcast on the Feed The Beast website.


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New to Feed The Beast? Visit Tutorial:Main to see all tutorials available on the wiki!


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Featured Mod: January

Item Witches' Hat.png

Witchery is a mod that adds a host of witchcraft related mechanics. The main disciplines of Witchery include: Circle Magic, Brews and Infusions, Poppets, and Dream Weaving. This mod is very complex and not for the faint of heart, starting out you should aim to get a witches oven and clay jars, this will allow you to collect the basic elements to begin advancing into the other areas of Witchery such as Poppets, Brews, and infusions.


Vote for Featured Mods

Did you know...

...that using Gold Nuggets instead of Iron Ingots can create stable Unstable Ingots?

Full list of mods

Modpack Comparison Table

Original Packs

These modpacks are created and maintained by the Feed The Beast Team themselves and are available exclusively through the Feed The Beast Launcher.

FTB Infinity Evolved v3.1.0 (MC v1.7.10)

Advanced Solar Panels • AgriCraft • Another One Bites the Dust • Applied Energistics 2 • Avaritia • Baubles • BDLib • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty • BiblioWoods Forestry • BiblioWoods Natura • Big Reactors • Binnie's Mods • Biomes O' Plenty • Blood Magic • Botania • Brandon's Core • bspkrsCore • BuildCraft • Buildcraft Compat • Carpenter's Blocks • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • CoFH Lib • ComputerCraft • Custom Main Menu • Decocraft • Dense Ores • Draconic Evolution • Ender Zoo • EnderCore • EnderIO • EnderStorage • EnderTech • Extra Cells 2 • Extra Utilities • ExtraTiC • FastCraft • FastLeafDecay • Forbidden Magic • Forestry • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • FTBTweaks • Funky Locomotion • Gendustry • Gravitation Suite • Guide-API • Hat Stand • Hats • Headcrumbs • iChunUtil • Immersive Engineering • Immersive Integration • Immibis Core • IndustrialCraft 2 • INpureCore • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • JourneyMap • Logistics Pipes • Magic Bees • Mantle • McJtyLib • MineFactory Reloaded • MineTweaker 3 • Morpheus • Mystcraft • Natura • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Nether Ores • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Resources • Nuclear Control • Nuclear Control 2 • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • OpenPeripheral Addons • OpenPeripheral Core • OpenPeripheral Integration • Pam's HarvestCraft • Portal Gun (Mod) • Project Red • Railcraft • Redstone Arsenal • Resource Loader • RFTools • Simply Jetpacks • Solar Expansion • Springboards • Steve's Addons • Steve's Carts 2 • Steve's Factory Manager • Steve's Workshop • Storage Drawers • Thaumcraft 4 • Thaumcraft NEI Plugin • Thaumic Energistics • Thaumic Exploration • Thaumic Tinkerer 2 • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Foundation • TiC Tooltips • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Mechworks • Translocators • ttCore • Twilight Forest • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Wawla • Witchery • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Thermal Expansion • Chisel • Runic Dungeons


Direwolf20 1.7 v1.10.0 (MC v1.7.10)

Another One Bites the Dust • Applied Energistics 2 • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • Baubles • BDLib • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty • BiblioWoods Forestry • BiblioWoods Natura • Big Reactors • Binnie's Mods • Biomes O' Plenty • Blood Magic • Botania • BuildCraft • Buildcraft Compat • Carpenter's Blocks • ChickenChunks • Chisel • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • CompactSolars • ComputerCraft • Custom Main Menu • Dense Ores • EnderIO • EnderStorage • EnderTech • Ender Zoo • Extra Utilities • Factorization • FastCraft • Flat Signs • Forestry • ForgeMultipart • Funky Locomotion • Gendustry • Hats • Hat Stand • Help Fixer • iChunUtil • IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental • InfiniBows • INpureCore • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • JourneyMap • Magic Bees • Mantle • Mapwriter • MineFactory Reloaded • MineTweaker 3 • Modular Powersuits • Morph • Morpheus • MrTJPCore • Mystcraft • Natura • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Keys • NotEnoughCodecs • Nuclear Control • Numina • Obsidiplates • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • OpenPeripheral Addons • OpenPeripheral Core • OpenPeripheral Integration • PneumaticCraft • Portal Gun (Mod) • Project Red • Railcraft • Redstone Arsenal • Resource Loader • RFTools • Slick Util • Steve's Carts 2 • Steve's Factory Manager • Thaumcraft 4 • Thaumic Exploration • Thaumic Tinkerer 2 • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • TiC Tooltips • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Mechworks • Translocators • Twilight Forest • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Witchery • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition

MobiusCore • Opis

FTB Mage Quest v1.1.1 (MC v1.7.10)

Archmagus • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • Bagginses • Baubles • BDLib • Blood Magic • Botania • BrainCore • Brewing API • CG Origin • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • CoFH Lib • D3 Core • Dark Menagerie • Enchiridion • ForgeMultipart • FoxLib • Hardcore Quest Mod • Headcrumbs • I'm Looking at Blood • INpureCore • Inventory Tweaks • JABBA • JourneyMap • LibSandstone • MineMenu • MineTweaker • MobiusCore • Necromancy • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Resources • Xeno's Reliquary • Ruins • Sanguimancy • Storage Drawers • Super Crafting Frame • Tails • Talismans 2 • Thaumcraft 4 • Thaumcraft Mob Aspects • Thaumcraft NEI Plugin • Thaumic Tinkerer 2 • Torch Tools • Traveller's Gear • Villager's Nose • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Weeping Angels • What's This Pack • Witchery • Automagy 1 • Shiet


FTB Resurrection v1.0.1 (MC v1.7.10)

Advanced Solar Panels • Another One Bites the Dust • Applied Energistics 2 • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • Alternate Terrain Generation • Baubles • BDLib • Better Title Screen • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty • BiblioWoods Forestry • Binnie's Mods • Biomes O' Plenty • BluePower • BuildCraft • Carpenter's Blocks • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • ComputerCraft • CustomOreGen • Enchiridion • Equivalent Exchange 3 • Extra Utilities • Factorization • Forestry • ForgeMultipart • Funky Locomotion • Gendustry • Gravitation Suite • Nuclear Control • IndustrialCraft 2 • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • JourneyMap Unlimited • LibSandstone • MineFactory Reloaded • MobiusCore • ModTweaker • Modular Powersuits • Mystcraft • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Keys • Numina • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • OpenPeripheral All-In-One • Opis • Pam's HarvestCraft • Power Converters • QmunityLib • Railcraft • Redstone Arsenal • Xeno's Reliquary • Secret Rooms • Steve's Carts 2 • Thaumcraft 4 • Thermal Foundation • Translocators • Twilight Forest • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Wawla • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • INpureCore • MineTweaker 3 • Thaumic Tinkerer 2 • EnderStorage • Chisel • Thermal Expansion • GregTech 5


FTB Trident v1.1.1 (MC v1.7.10)

Applied Energistics 2 • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • BiblioCraft • Big Reactors • Biomes O' Plenty • Carpenter's Blocks • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • Custom Main Menu • EnderStorage • Extra Utilities • ExtrabiomesXL • FastCraft • FastLeafDecay • Flan's Mod • ForgeMultipart • Funky Locomotion • Hardcore Darkness • INpureCore • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • JourneyMap • Mantle • Mapwriter • Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 • MineFactory Reloaded • MineTweaker • Mob Properties • Modular Powersuits • Morpheus • Natural Absorption • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Not Enough Items • Numina • Open Modular Turrets • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • Player API • PneumaticCraft • Project Red • Railcraft • Redstone Arsenal • Resource Loader • Secret Rooms • Solar Expansion • Special Mobs • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Foundation • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers Defense • Tinkers' Mechworks • Translocators • ttCore • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Wawla • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Thermal Expansion • Chisel

MobiusCore • Opis

FTB Lite 3 v1.2.1 (MC v1.7.10)

Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • AutoPackager • Bagginses • BDLib • CG Origin • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • Custom Main Menu • D3 Core • Extra Utilities • FastCraft • Flat Signs • ForgeMultipart • Green Thumb • Inventory Tweaks • InpureCore • JABBA • MineFactory Reloaded • MineMenu • Morpheus • NEI Addons • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Keys • Obsidian Pressure Plates • Owner Emitter • PressurePipes • Progressive Automation • Redstone Arsenal • Resource Loader • Simply Jetpacks • Solar Flux • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Foundation • Torch Tools • Waila • Waila Harvestability • What's This Pack • Super Crafting Frame • Storage Drawers • Thermal Expansion

MobiusCore • Opis

FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock v2.0.1 (MC v1.7.10)

Advanced Solar Panels • AgriCraft • Another One Bites the Dust • Applied Energistics 2 • Avaritia • Baubles • BDLib • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty • BiblioWoods Forestry • BiblioWoods Natura • Big Reactors • Binnie's Mods • BinniePatcher • BiomeTweaker • Blood Magic • Botania • Brandon's Core • BuildCraft • Buildcraft Compat • Carpenter's Blocks • Chisel • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • CoFH Lib • ComputerCraft • Cooking for Blockheads • Craft Tweaker • Creeper Host • Custom Main Menu • CustomThings • Decocraft • Draconic Evolution • EnderCore • EnderIO • EnderStorage • EnderTech • Ex Astris • Ex Compressum • Ex Nihilo • Extra Cells 2 • Extra Utilities • FastCraft • FastLeafDecay • Forbidden Magic • Forestry • FTB Islands • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • FTBTrophies • Funky Locomotion • Gendustry • Gravitation Suite • GuideAPI • Hardcore Questing Mode • Iguana Tinkers Tweaks • Immersive Engineering • Immersive Integration • IndustrialCraft 2 • INpureCore • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • KneeSlabs • Lockdown • Logistics Pipes • Magic Bees • Mantle • McJtyLib • MineFactory Reloaded • Mercurius • MineTweaker 3 • Morpheus • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Not Enough Items • Nuclear Control • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • OpenPeripheral Addons • OpenPeripheral Core • OpenPeripheral Integration • Pam's HarvestCraft • Project Red • Railcraft • Redstone Arsenal • Resource Loader • RFTools • Simply Jetpacks • Solar Expansion • Steve's Carts 2 • Storage Drawers • Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack • Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack • Storage Drawers: Misc Pack • Storage Drawers: Natura Pack • Thaumcraft 4 • Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning • Thaumcraft NEI Plugin • Thaumic Energistics • Thaumic Exploration • Thaumic Tinkerer 2 • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • TiC Tooltips • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Mechworks • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Wawla • Witchery • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • YUNoMakeGoodMap


FTB Departed v1.4.0 (MC v1.7.10)

Advent of Ascension • AppleCore • Baubles • BiblioCraft • Botania • bspkrsCore • Carpenter's Blocks • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • DecoCraft • Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies • Enchiridion 2 • EnderStorage • ExtraTiC • FastCraft • FastLeafDecay • Hardcore Ender Expansion • Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • JourneyMap • Mantle • NEI Addons • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Keys • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • Pam's HarvestCraft • Redstone Paste Mod • StartingInventory • Steve's Workshop • Thaumcraft 4 • The Spice of Life • TiC Tooltips • Tinkers' Construct • Translocators • Waila • Wawla • Witchery • Ztones • MineTweaker 3 • Chisel • Thaumic Tinkerer 2


FTB Horizons: Daybreaker v1.0.0 (MC v1.7.10)

AMT Generators • Another One Bites the Dust: Oreberry Bushes • Another One Bites the Dust • AppleCore • Aura Cascade • AutoPackager • Baubles • BDLib • Blood Arsenal • Blood Magic • Blue Power • Carpenter's Blocks • ChickenChunks • ChiselTones • Clockwork Phase • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • Computronics • Custom Main Menu • DecoCraft • Dense Ores • DummyCore • Emasher Defense • Emasher Resource • Emotes • EnderStorage • Engineer's Toolbox • Enhanced Inventories • Equivalent Exchange 3 • EssentialCraft III • Extra Utilities • Farseek • FastCraft • Flood Light • ForgeMultipart • Framez • Galacticraft • Garden Stuff • GasCraft • Geko's Lasers • GuideAPI • Hardcore Ender Expansion • Headcrumbs • IBench • In-Game Wiki Mod • Inventory Tweaks • JourneyMap • Kore Sample • LatBlocks • LatCoreMC • LomLib • Mag Tools • Malisis Core • Malisis Doors • Mantle • Matter Overdrive • Mekanism • MicdoodleCore • MineMenu • MineTweaker3 • MmmMmmMmmMmm • Modular Armor • NEI Addons • NEI Intergration • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Resources • Obsidiplates • Open Modular Turrets • Open Peripheral Intergration • OpenBlocks • OpenComputers • OpenModsLib • OpenPeripherals Core • Particle Physics • Potion Extension Core • Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod • Progressive Automation • QMunitylib • Quantum Flux • QuiverBow • Random Things • Realistic World Gen • Redstonic • Refined Relocation • Resource Loader • RF Windmills • RFTools • Router Reborn • Sanguimancy • Sanguine Utilities • Silico • Simple Condensers • Soul Shards: The Old Ways • Streams • Thermal Foundation • ttCore • Waila • Wawla • XP Teleporters • Ztones • AsieLib • AppleMilkTea2 • Storage Drawers • Ancient Trees • Advanced Generators • Chisel • Iron Backpacks

Difficult Life

Cloud 9 v1.1.0 (MC v1.10.2)

AppleCore • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • Baubles • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Forestry • BiblioWoods Natura • Binnie's Mods • Botania • Carpenter's Blocks • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • CoFH Lib • CoroUtil • Custom Main Menu • DecoCraft • EnderStorage • Extra Utilities • ExtraTiC • FastCraft • FastLeafDecay • Forestry • ForgeMultipart • Pam's HarvestCraft • Headcrumbs • INpure Core • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • JourneyMap • Magic Bees • Mantle • MineFactory Reloaded • Minetweaker • Morpheus • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Not Enough Items • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • Project Red • Railcraft • Resource Loader • RFTools • Simply Jetpacks • Solar Expansion • Steve's Workshop • The Spice of Life • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Foundation • TiC Tooltips • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Mechworks • Translocators • Tropicraft • ttCore • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Wawla • AgriCraft • Storage Drawers • Nevermine 2: Advent of Ascension • Chisel • Thermal Expansion


FTB Vanilla+ v1.0.0 (MC v1.7.10)

AgriCraft • Antique Atlas • AppleCore • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • BiblioCraft • Carpenter's Blocks • ChiselTones • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • Compact Storage • Custom Main Menu • D3Core • DecoCraft • Dense Ores • Extra Buttons • FastLeafDecay • Flat Signs • ForgeMultipart • Pam's HarvestCraft • Hopper Ducts • INpure Core • Inventory Tweaks • JABBA • Just Another Crafting Bench • LavaBoat mod • Luppii's Ladders • Mantle • Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 • Minetweaker • Morpheus • MrTJPCore • Natura • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Not Enough Items • Project Red • Railcraft • Resource Loader • Steve's Workshop • The Spice of Life • Torch Tools • ttCore • Waila • Ztones • EnderCompass • Storage Drawers • Chisel • Et Futurum


Third-Party Packs

These modpacks, although distributed via the Feed The Beast Launcher, have been created independently from the Feed The Beast Team.

Hubris v1.4.0 (MC v1.7.10)

Adventure Backpack • AgriCraft • Alternate Terrain Generation • AnimationAPI • AppleCore • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • Ars Magica 2 • AtomicStryker's BattleTowers • Baubles • BetterFPS • BiblioCraft • Biome Tweaker • Blood Magic • Botania • bspkrsCore • Carpenter's Blocks • ChickenChunks • Climate Control • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • Custom Chest Loot • Custom Main Menu • Default World Gen • Doomlike Dungeons • EnderStorage • Extended Potions • ExtrabiomesXL • FastCraft • Flesh To Leather • FloatingRuins • Forbidden Magic • Gravestone Mod • Hardcore Ender Expansion • Hardcore Questing Mode • HoloInventory • HungerOverhaul • Infernal Mobs • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • JourneyMap • Libsandstone • Mine Tweaker 3 • Minetweaker RecipeMaker • MmmMmmMmmMmm • Mob Properties • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Nether Ores • Nodal Mechanics • Not Enough Items • Pam's HarvestCraft • RadixCore • Random Things • Recall Stones • Redstone Paste Mod • Xeno's Reliquary • Resource Loader • Roguelike Dungeons • Special Mobs • Squidless • Thaumcraft Mob Aspects • Thaumic Exploration • Thaumic Horizons • Thaumic Infusion • Traveller's Gear • Twilight Forest • Unique Artifacts • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Witchery • Witching Gadgets • Storage Drawers • Yampst • Chisel • Thaumcraft 4 • Thaumic Tinkerer 2 • Automagy 1

Update Checker Mod

Regrowth v0.7.4 (MC v1.7.10)

AgriCraft • Applied Energistics 2 • Bagginses • Baubles • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods ExtrabiomesXL • BiblioWoods Forestry • Binnie's Mods • Blood Magic • Botania • BuildCraft • Buildcraft Compat • Carpenter's Blocks • Chisel Facades • ClimateControl • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • Creeper Collateral • Custom Main Menu • Enchiridion • Enchiridion 2 • Ender Zoo • Enhanced Inventories • ExtrabiomesXL • ExtraTiC • Forbidden Magic • Forestry • ForgeMultipart • Garden Stuff • Gravestone Mod • Hardcore Questing Mode • Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct • INpureCore • Inventory Tweaks • JABBA • LaunchGUI • Magic Bees • Magical Crops • Mantle • Mariculture • Mekanism • MineTweaker • Mob Properties • ModTweaker • Natura • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Nether Ores • Not Enough Items • OpenEye • Quadrum • Railcraft • Resource Loader • Ruins • Steve's Barren Lands • Thaumcraft NEI Plugin • Thaumcraft Node Tracker • Thaumic Exploration • Tinkers' Construct • Tinker's Construct Tooltips • Traveller's Gear • ttCore • Waila • Waila Harvestability • WAILAPlugins • Witchery • Witching Gadgets • Super Crafting Frame • Storage Drawers • Yampst • Chisel • Thaumcraft 4 • Automagy 1


Blast Off! v1.3.3 (MC v1.7.10)

Adventure Backpack • AppleCore • Applied Energistics 2 • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • Battle Music • Baubles • Botania • bspkrsCore • BuildCraft • Buildcraft Additions • Carpenter's Blocks • ChickenChunks • Chisel • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • CoroUtil • Custom Chest Loot • Custom Stuff 2 • Custom Stuff 2 - Ores • CustomMainMenu • Damage Indicators • Enchiridion • EnderIO • EnderStorage • Enhanced Inventories • EnviroMine • Eureka • Ex Nihilo • Extra Cells • Extra Utilities • Falling Meteors Mod • FastCraft • FastLeafDecay • ForgeMultipart • Funky Locomotion • Galacticraft • Growthcraft • Hardcore Ender Expansion • Hardcore Questing Mode • iChunUtil • Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct • Infernal Mobs • Inventory Tweaks • ItemPhysic • Kawaii Crops • Kwasti Bust Monsters • Localized Weather & Stormfronts • Lockdown • Logistics Pipes • Mantle • Mariculture • Mekanism • MicdoodleCore • Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 • Minecraft Comes Alive • MineTweaker • Mob Dismemberment • ModTweaker • MyFit • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • NotEnoughCodecs • Okutils • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • Ore Dictionary Converter • Player API • PneumaticCraft • Primitive Mobs • Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod • RadixCore • Render Player API • Resource Loader • Roguelike Dungeons • Ruins • Smart Moving • Stalker Creepers • StatusEffectHUD • Steve's Carts 2 • Steve's Factory Manager • Storage Drawers • Sync • The Spice of Life • TiC Tooltips • Tinkers' Construct • Utility Mobs • Waila • Wawla • Xaero's Minimap • Yampst • Zombie Awareness


The Dark Trilogy v1.0.8 (MC v1.7.10)

AppleCore • Aroma1997Core • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • CoFHLib • CookieCore • ForgeMultipart • iChunUtil • INpureCore • LatCoreMC • MobiusCore • MrTJPCore • OpenMods Lib • PlanetguyLib • Additional Pipes • Advanced Machines • Advanced Solar Panels • Applied Energistics 2 • AromaBackup • Backpacks • Baubles • Better Title Screen • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty • BiblioWoods ExtrabiomesXL • BiblioWoods Forestry • BiblioWoods Natura • Big Reactors • Binnie's Mods • Biomes O' Plenty • Blood Magic • BluePower • Botania • BuildCraft • Carpenter's Blocks • ChickenChunks • CompactSolars • ComputerCraft • Enchiridion • EnderStorage • Ender Zoo • EnderIO • Extra Carts • Extra Cells • Extra Utilities • ExtrabiomesXL • FastLeafDecay • Forestry • Gravitation Suite • Hat Stand • Hats • IndustrialCraft 2 • Nuclear Control • Inventory Tweaks • Iridium Mod • Iron Chest • JABBA • JourneyMap • LatBlocks • Logistics Pipes • Mantle • MineFactory Reloaded • MineTweaker 3 • Mob Amputation • Mob Dismemberment • ModTweaker • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod • Natura • Nearby Mob Finder • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Not Enough Items • Obsidiplates • OpenBlocks • Opis • Pam's HarvestCraft • Power Converters • Project Red • Railcraft • Redstone Arsenal • Remain in Motion • Secret Rooms • Simply Jetpacks • Solar Flux • Soul Shards Reborn • Steve's Carts 2 • Thaumcraft Mob Aspects • Thaumic Exploration • Thermal Foundation • TheTFoxMod • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Construct Tooltips • Tinkers' Mechworks • Tinkers' Steelworks • Translocators • Twilight Forest • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Wawla • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Chisel • Thermal Expansion • Yampst • Aroma1997's Dimensional World • Thaumcraft 4 • Thaumic Tinkerer 2


TolkienCraft II v2.4.7 (MC v1.7.10)

AnimationAPI • Antique Atlas • Applied Energistics 2 • Aquaculture • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • Ars Magica 2 • Artifice • Aura Cascade • Backpacks • Baubles • BDLib • Better Loading Screen • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty • BiblioWoods Forestry • BiblioWoods Natura • Binnie's Mods • Biomes O' Plenty • Blood Magic • Botania • BuildCraft • Carpenter's Blocks • ChocoCraft • ClothingCraft • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • Cosmetic Armor • CraftHeraldry • Crafting Manager • Custom Main Menu • Custom NPCs • Damage Indicators • DecoCraft • Dense Ores • Dimensional Anchors • Draconic Evolution • Dragon Mounts • Dynamic Transport • Emotes • EnderStorage • Extra Cells • ExtraTiC • FastCraft • Forestry • ForgeMultipart • Gendustry • Gravestone Mod • Hardcore Questing Mode • iChunUtil • Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct • Immibis Core • Infernal Mobs • Inventory Tweaks • IronChests • JABBA • JourneyMap • Libsandstone • Lockdown • Logistics Pipes • Lolnet Pack Identifier • Lord of the Rings • Magic Bees • Mantle • Minecraft Comes Alive • Minions • Modular Flower Pots • Morph • MrTJPCore • Mystcraft • Natura • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • NoMoreRecipeConflicts • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Keys • NotEnoughCodecs • OpenBlocks • OpenEye • OpenModsLib • Ore Dictionary Converter • Pam's HarvestCraft • Perfect Spawn • Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod • Project Red • RadixCore • Railcraft • Redstone Arsenal • Refined Relocation • Xeno's Reliquary • Resource Loader • Rikmuld's Core • Roguelike Dungeons • RPG Advanced Mod • RPG-Hud Mod • Ruins • SlimeVoid Library • Statues • Thaumcraft NEI Plugin • Thaumcraft Node Tracker • Thaumic Energistics • Thaumic Expansion • Thaumic Exploration • The Camping Mod • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Foundation • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Mechworks • TiC Tooltips • TolkienTweaks • Translocators • Traveller's Gear • Unique Artifacts • Waila • Wawla • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Witchery • Witching Gadgets • AsieLib • Storage Drawers • Thermal Expansion • Yampst • Chisel • Thaumcraft 4 • Thaumic Tinkerer 2


Agrarian Skies v4.1.0 (MC v1.6.4)

Applied Energistics • AutoPackager • BiblioCraft • Big Reactors • Blood Magic • Infernal Mobs • Tinkers' Construct • TiCon Tooltips • Tinkers' Mechworks • Tinkers' Steelworks • VoxelMap • Waila • Warp Book • WAILA Harvestability • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • Ex Aliquo • Ex Nihilo • Extra Bees and Trees • Extra Cells • Extra Utilities • Flat Signs • Forestry • Jaded's Blood • Minecraft Forge • Gendustry • HarvestCraft Waila Fixes • Hardcore Questing Mode • HungerOverhaul • Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct • InfiniBows • Iron Chests • JABBA • JadedSpawn • JourneyMap • Magic Bees • Mariculture • MineFactory Reloaded • MineTweaker • Natura • Not Enough Items • Nether Ores • Not Enough Keys • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OpenBlocks • Opis • Pam's HarvestCraft • Plugins for Forestry • PowerCrystals Core • Redstone Arsenal • Rei's Minimap • Simply Jetpacks • Switches • Thaumcraft 4 • Thermal Expansion


Test Pack Please Ignore v1.1.2 (MC v1.6.4)

AnimationAPI • AutoUtils • BDLib • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • DenLib • Emasher Resource • ForgeMultipart • iChunUtil • MobiusCore • PowerCrystals Core • Resonant Engine Development • Universal Electricity Core • Advanced Genetics • Applied Energistics • Extra Cells • ArmorStatusHUD • Ars Magica 2 • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty • BiblioWoods Forestry • BiblioWoods Natura • Big Reactors • Biomes O' Plenty • Blood Magic • Botania • BuildCraft • Additional BuildCraft Objects • Logistics Pipes • QuarryPlus • ComputerCraft • OpenPeripheral • Carpenter's Blocks • Damage Indicators • DartCraft • Dimensional Anchors • EiraIRC • EnderIO • EnderStorage • Ender Prospecting • Engineer's Toolbox • EVOC • Extra Utilities • Factorization • FZAddons • Flat Signs • Forestry • Binnie's Mods • Gendustry • Magic Bees • Plugins for Forestry • Hardcore Ender Expansion • Immibis's Microblocks • IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental • Advanced Solar Panels • Gravitation Suite • Nuclear Control • Infernal Mobs • InfiniBows • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • Magical Crops • Mekanism • Modular Force Field System • MineFactory Reloaded • MineTweaker • Modular Powersuits • MPSaddons • Morph • Mystcraft • Natura • Not Enough Items • NEI Addons • NEI Plugins • Nether Ores • Not Enough Keys • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OpenBlocks • OpenEye • Opis • Pam's Clay Spawn • Portal Gun (Mod) • Project Red • Railcraft • Rock Crusher Metal Dusts Add-on • ServerTools • Sort Fix • Steve's Carts 2 • Steve's Factory Manager • Thaumcraft 4 • Electro-Magic Tools • Forbidden Magic • Thaumic Reliquary • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Armory • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Mechworks • TiCTooltips • Translocators • Twilight Forest • Waila • Witchery • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Xeno's Reliquary • Chisel • Thermal Expansion • GregTech 4 • Thaumic Tinkerer 2


Blood N' Bones v1.1.3 (MC v1.6.4)

Applied Energistics • ArmorStatusHUD • Backpacks • Big Reactors • Blood Magic • bspkrsCore • Cave Control • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • ComputerCraft • Creeper Collateral • Custom Chest Loot • Damage Indicators • Deadly World • DenLib • DragonAPI • Dynamic Lights • Dynamic Liquid Tanks 2 • Ender Forest • EnhancedPortals 3 • EVOC • Extra Utilities • ExtraTiC • Flat Signs • Glenn's Gases • Hardcore Ender Expansion • HarvestCraft WAILA • Hostile Worlds • HungerOverhaul • Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct • Inventory Tweaks • JABBA • Keithy Utils • Lycanites Mobs • Magical Crops • Metallurgy 3 • MineFactory Reloaded • MineTweaker • MobiusCore • Natura • Natural Absorption • NEI Addons • NEI Plugins • Nether Ores • Not Enough Items • Obsidian Pressure Plates • Opis • Pam's HarvestCraft • PowerCrystals Core • Project Red • Random Things • RemoteIO • Roguelike Dungeons • Sort Fix • SpecialAI • Special Mobs • StatusEffectHUD • Thermal Expansion • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Construct Tooltips • Tinkers' Steelworks • Utility Mobs • Waila • WAILA Harvestability • Witchery • Animated Player • Zombie Awareness


Material Energy^4 v2.2.0 (MC v1.7.10)

Applied Energistics 2 • Aura Casade • Baubles • BiblioCraft • Big Reactors • bspkrsCore • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • Compact Machines • Custom Main Menu • Dense Ores • EnderIO • EnderTech • Ender Zoo • Ex Nihilo • Extra Cells • ExtraTiC • Extra Utilities • Fluxed Crystals • Fruit Charcoal • Headcrumbs • Holo Inventory • Hardcore Questing Mode • Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct • Improving Minecraft • Inventory Tweaks • JSONAbles • Lockdown • Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 • Mantle • Metallurgy 3 • Metallurgy Core • MineChem • MineTweaker 3 • MobiusCore • Not Enough Items • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • Pearcel Mod • Perfect Spawn • Quadrum • Quick Hotbar Mod • Random Things • Resource Loader • Santa's Decor • SciMCLib • Steve's Factory Manager • Tinkers' Construct • Thermal Foundation • TiC Tooltips • Tinkers Defense • Torcherino • ttCore • Waila • Waila Features • Ztones • Ancient Trees • Thermal Expansion • Chisel


Pathfinder v1.0.3 (MC v1.7.10)

Accidentally Circumstantial Events • AgriCraft • Another One Bites the Dust • AppleCore • Aroma1997Core • AromaBackup • AsieTweaks • Attained Drops • Bagginses • Baubles • Big Reactors • Blue Power • bspkrsCore • Carpenter's Blocks • ChiselTones • Clockwork Phase • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • Custom Main Menu • CustomItems • Dense Ores • Dimensional Anchors • Easy Crafting Table • EnderTech • Ender Utilities • EnderIO • EnderStorage • Extra Utilities • ExtraTiC • Flat Signs • Fluxed Crystals • ForgeMultipart • Funky Locomotion • Hardcore Darkness • Hardcore Questing Mode • Hunger In Peace • HungerOverhaul • Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct • Immibis Core • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • IvToolkit • JABBA • JourneyMap • JSONAbles • Liquid Dirt • Lockdown • Mantle • MineMenu • MineTweaker 3 • NEI Addons • NEI Integration • Nether Ores • No Nausea • Not Enough Items • Obsidiplates • OpenBlocks • OpenComputers • OpenEye • OpenModsLib • OresPlus • Pam's HarvestCraft • Perfect Spawn • Ping • Progressive Automation • ProjectE • QmunityLib • Quantum Flux • Recurrent Complex • Redstone Arsenal • Resource Loader • RFTools • Simply Jetpacks • Solar Expansion • StartingInventory • Statues • Steve's Addons • Steve's Carts 2 • Steve's Factory Manager • Steve's Workshop • The Spice of Life • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Foundation • Thermal Smeltery • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Mechworks • Too Much Loot • Trophy Slots • ttCore • Waila • Waila Harvestability • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Ztones • AsieLib • Storage Drawers • Thermal Expansion • Chisel


Running Red 2: Vampire Money v1.2.0 (MC v1.7.10)

A Biome Hazard Config Mod • Applied Energistics 2 • ArmorStatusHUD • Blood Magic • BloodUtils • bspkrsCore • BuildCraft • Carpenter's Blocks • CharacterOnGUI • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • CreepersFire • Custom Main Menu • Deadly World • Dynamic Lights • Ender Zoo • EnderIO • EnderStorage • EnviroMine • Forestry • Gany's Nether • GenCreator • Gravestone Mod • Hardcore Questing Mode • Inventory Tweaks • LaunchGUI • Lore Expansion • Mantle • Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 • MineTweaker 3 • Mob Properties • Natura • Natural Absorption • NEI Addons • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • OpenBlocks • OpenEye • OpenModsLib • OresPlus • PheonixMod • Railcraft • Random Things • Resource Loader • Sanguimancy • Somnia • Special Mobs • StatusEffectHUD • Steve's Factory Manager • Technomancy • The Spice of Life • Tinkers' Construct • Vampire Money Custom Mod • Waila • Waila Harvestability • WaslieCore • Witchery • DirectionHUD

Realistic World Gen • Sanguine Utilities • Update Checker Mod

Crash Landing v1.1.3 (MC v1.6.4)

Applied Energistics 2 • AutoPackager • AutoUtils • BiblioCraft • Big Reactors • ChickenChunks • Chisel • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • CoroUtil • Config Mod • EnviroMine • Ex Aliquo • Ex Nihilo • Extra Cells 2 • Extra Utilities • Generator Mods • Pam's HarvestCraft • HarvestCraft Waila • Hardcore Questing Mode • HungerOverhaul • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • Lockdown • MineFactory Reloaded • MineTweaker 3 • MobProperties • ModTweaker • NEI Addons • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Keys • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • PneumaticCraft • PowerCrystals Core • Redstone Arsenal • Ruins • Simply Jetpacks • Sort Fix • Special Mobs • Special AI • The Spice of Life • Steve's Drought • Steve's Factory Manager • Sync • Thermal Expansion • Tinkers' Construct • TiC Tooltips • TiC Tweaks • Tinkers' Mechworks • Tinkers' Steelworks • Update Checker Mod • Waila • Waila Harvestability • VoxelMap • Zombie Awareness


Material Energy^3 v1.4.5 (MC v1.6.4)

Applied Energistics • BiblioCraft • Carpenter's Blocks • Creeper Collateral • Extra Utilities • Forestry • Gendustry • Hardcore Questing Mode • Holo Inventory • JABBA • Lockdown • Metallurgy 3 • MineChem • Mob Properties • MSC1 • OpenBlocks • Special Mobs • Ampz Pack • Utility Mobs • Waila • Waila Harvestability • VoxelMap • Chisel • Thermal Expansion


EPiCCRAFT v1.1.1 (MC v1.6.4)



Magic Farm 2 v2.1.12 (MC v1.6.4)

Agriculture • Applied Energistics • BiblioCraft • Binnie's Mods • Biomes O' Plenty • Blood Magic • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • Deadly World • Enchiridion • EVOC • Extra Cells • Extra Utilities • Fancy Fences • Finndus Fillies • Flat Signs • Forestry • ForgeMultipart • Gravestone Mod • GrowthCraft • HungerOverhaul • Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct • Infernal Mobs • InfiniBows • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JABBA • JourneyMap • Magic Bees • Mariculture • MineTweaker • MobiusCore • Mystcraft • Natura • NEI Addons • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • Not Enough Keys • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OpenBlocks • OpenMods Lib • Opis • Pam's HarvestCraft • PowerCrystals Core • Redstone Arsenal • Simply Jetpacks • Special Mobs • Sort Fix • Switches • Thaumcraft 4 • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Construct Tooltips • Tinkers' Mechworks • Waila • Rei's Minimap • Thermal Expansion • Thaumic Tinkerer 2


Legacy Packs

These modpacks are no longer being updated, either because they have been replaced or the original creators have stopped development.

Infamy v1.3.2 (MC v1.6.4)

Immibis' Microblocks • Not Enough Items • ICBM • Gun Customization • Borderlands Weapon Mod • Infamy Utilities • AE Lights • Backpacks • BuildCraft • Ropes+ • Mekanism • Balkon's Weapon Mod • Chat Bubbles • Now Craftables • ArmorStatusHUD • Railcraft • Inventory Tweaks • Secret Rooms • MineChem • Obsidian Pressure Plates • TF2 Sentry • BackTools • Atomic Science • Applied Energistics • Damage Indicators • Flan's Mod • Project Bench • Rei's Minimap • Custom LAN • Buffbar • Forge Mulitpart • Assembly Line • Thermal Expansion


VoxelModPack v11.1.1 (MC v1.6.4)

HD Skins and Capes • LiteLoader • Macro/Keybind Mod • MCPatcher • TabbyChat • VoxelBoards • VoxelCam • VoxelFlight • VoxelGET • VoxelLib • VoxelMap • VoxelMenu • VoxelPacket • VoxelPlayer • VoxelSniperGUI • VoxelTextures • VoxelVision • WorldEditCUI


New World Mod Pack v6.4 (MC v1.5.2)

Minecraft Forge • CodeChickenCore • Not Enough Items • ArmorStatusHUD • CoFH Core • Damage Indicators • Direction HUD • Dynamic Lights • Forge IRC • Immibis Core • Keithy Utils • Recipe Remover • Treecapitator • Inventory Tweaks • Rei's Minimap • Applied Energistics • BiblioCraft • Bladecraft • BuildCraft • TubeStuff • CameraCraft • Chainz • ComputerCraft • Dimensional Anchors • EnderStorage • ExtrabiomesXL • Factorization • Falling Meteors • Fancy Glass • Forestry • Extra Bees and Trees • IndustrialCraft 2 • Advanced Machines • Advanced Solar Panels • CompactSolars • Iron Chests • Jammy Furniture Mod • Metallurgy 3 • Immibis's Microblocks • Millénaire • MineFactory Reloaded • OmniTools • Pet Bat • Power Converters • Railcraft • Soul Shards • Steve's Carts 2 • Tinkers' Construct • TrainCraft • Thermal Expansion


FTB Unhinged v1.1.0 (MC v1.5.2)

Applied Energistics • Biomes O Plenty • BuildCraft • ChargePads • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • ChickenChunks • Dimensional Doors • EnderStorage • Factorization • Forestry • IndustrialCraft 2 • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • MineFactory Reloaded • Modular Powersuits • Mystcraft • NEI Addons • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • Nuclear Control • PowerCrystals Core • Railcraft • Steve's Carts 2 • Twilight Forest • Underground Biomes • VoxelMap • GregTech • Thermal Expansion


FTB Unleashed v1.1.7 (MC v1.5.2)

Creeper Collateral • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • DenLib • iChunUtil • InfiniBows • Not Enough Items • Nucleum-Omnium • PowerCrystals Core • Applied Energistics • BackTools • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty • BiblioWoods Forestry • BuildCraft • DenPipes • DenPipes - Emerald • DenPipes - Forestry • GateCopy • Logistics Pipes • ChickenChunks • ComputerCraft • Misc Peripherals • OpenPeripheral • Damage Indicators • DartCraft • EnderStorage • Equivalent Exchange 3 • Extra Utilities • Factorization • Flat Signs • Forestry • Binnie's Mods • Extra Bees and Trees • Extra Trees • Magic Bees • Plugins for Forestry • ForgeMultipart • Gravity Gun • IndustrialCraft 2 • Advanced Power Management • Advanced Solar Panels • ChargePads • CompactSolars • Gravitation Suite • Modular Force Field System • MFFS Calclavia • Nuclear Control • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • MineFactory Reloaded • Modular Powersuits • MPSaddons • Mystcraft • Natura • NEI Addons • NEI Plugins • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OmniTools • Portal Gun (Mod) • qCraft • Railcraft • Soul Shards • Steve's Carts 2 • Switches • Thaumcraft 3 • Tinkers' Construct • Twilight Forest • VoxelMap • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Thermal Expansion • Thaumic Tinkerer 1

Biomes O' Plenty • DeathTimer • Enchanting Plus • Hats • Hat Stand • Nether Ores • Power Converters • Vending Block • Xeno's Reliquary

BronyModPack v3.0.1 (MC v1.5.1)

IntegratedSoundpacks • LiteLoader • Macro/Keybind Mod • MCPatcher • MineLittlePony • VoxelBoards • VoxelFlight • VoxelGet • VoxelLib • VoxelMap • VoxelMenu • VoxelPlayer • VoxelSniperGUI • VoxelTextures • VoxelVisualizer • VoxelWorld • WorldEditCUI


Direwolf20 Pack v5.3.2 (MC v1.4.7)

Applied Energistics • Binnie Core • BuildCraft • ChargePads • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • CompactSolars • ComputerCraft • EnderStorage • Equivalent Exchange 3 • Extra Bees and Trees • ExtrabiomesXL • Factorization • Forestry • GraviGun • Gravitation Suite • IndustrialCraft 2 • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • Minecraft Forge • MiscPeripherals • Modular Force Field System • Modular Powersuits • Mystcraft • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • Nuclear Control • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OmniTools • Portal Gun (Mod) • Railcraft • RedPower 2 • Rei's Minimap • Soul Shards • Steve's Carts 2 • Thaumcraft 3 • Magic Bees • Twilight Forest • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Xeno's Reliquary • XyCraft • Thermal Expansion


Slow's Stream Pack v1.0.0 (MC v1.4.7)

BiblioCraft • BuildCraft • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • Damage Indicators • Forestry • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • Logistics Pipes • Minecraft Forge • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OmniTools • Thaumcraft 3 • The Barrels Mod • Railcraft • Steve's Carts 2 • VoxelMap • VoxelMenu • VoxelPlayer • Xeno's Reliquary • Divine RPG • Thermal Expansion


FTB Lite v1.2.3 (MC v1.4.7)

Advanced Machines • BuildCraft • ChargePads • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • CompactSolars • ComputerCraft • Equivalent Exchange 3 • Forestry • IndustrialCraft 2 • IntegratedSoundpacks • InventoryTweaks • Iron Chests • LiteLoader • Minecraft Forge • MiscPeripherals • NEI Plugins • NEI RedPower Plugin • Not Enough Items • Obsidian Pressure Plates • Portal Gun (Mod) • Railcraft • RedPower 2 • Thaumcraft 3 • VoxelCommon • VoxelMenu • VoxelPacket • VoxelPlayer • Steve's Carts 2 • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • VoxelMap • Thermal Expansion


Tech World v1.2.0 (MC v1.4.7)

Minecraft Forge • CodeChickenCore • Not Enough Items • Rei's Minimap • Inventory Tweaks • Voxelmods • BuildCraft • ChickenChunks • ComputerCraft • Misc Peripherals • ExtrabiomesXL • Factorization • Forestry • Gravity Gun • IndustrialCraft 2 • Advanced Machines • Advanced Solar Panels • ChargePads • Nuclear Control • Modular Force Field System • Gravitation Suite • Iron Chests • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OmniTools • Portal Gun (Mod) • Railcraft • RedPower 2 • Steve's Carts 2 • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • XyCraft • GregTech • Petroleum Generator (Mod)


FTB PAX Challenge Pack v1.1.4 (MC v1.4.7)

Minecraft Forge • ComputerCraft • Misc Peripherals • OpenCCSensors • IndustrialCraft 2 • ChargePads • Compact Solar Arrays • ChickenChunks • Equivalent Exchange 3 • Forestry • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • NEI Plugins • Obsidian Pressure Plates • Thaumcraft 3 • Portal Gun (Mod) • Railcraft • Steve's Carts 2 • RedPower 2 • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Thermal Expansion


FTB Retro SSP/SMP v3 (SSP); 1 (SMP) (MC v1.2.5)

Advanced Machines • BuildCraft • CompactSolars • EnderStorage • Forestry • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • Minecraft Forge • Not Enough Items • CodeChickenCore • Logistics Pipes • Equivalent Exchange 2 • IndustrialCraft 2 • RedPower 2


Lapito's Galacticraft Pack v2.0.1.1 (MC v1.6.4)

Minecraft Forge • bspkrsCore • BuildCraft • Atomic Science • ICBM • ICBM Contraption • ICBM Sentry • Modular Force Field System • CodeChickenCore • Not Enough Items • NEI Plugins • CoFH Core • Inventory Tweaks • Rei's Minimap • Mekanism • Mekanism Generators • Mekanism Induction • Mekanism Tools • MicdoodleCore • Galacticraft • Modular Powersuits • Numina • Railcraft • Steve's Carts 2 • Thermal Expansion


Magic Farm v2.0 (MC v1.5.2)

Applied Energistics • Backpacks • Barrels Mod • Biomes O' Plenty • BuildCraft • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • Deadly World • Equivalent Exchange 3 • Extra Trees • Extra Utilities • Flat Signs • Forestry • InfiniBows • Minecraft Forge • GrowthCraft • HungerOverhaul • Infernal Mobs • Iron Chests • JadedLadder • Magic Bees • MineFactory Reloaded • Mystcraft • Natura • Not Enough Items • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OpenBlocks • OmniTools • Pam's HarvestCraft • Plugins for Forestry • PowerCrystals Core • Special Mobs • Switches • Thaumcraft 3 • TiC Tweaks • Tinkers' Construct • ValvePipes • Thermal Expansion • Thaumic Tinkerer 1


FTB 1.5.2 Beta Packs v0.8 (MC v1.5.2)

Advanced Power Management • Advanced Solar Panels • Applied Energistics • BackTools • BiblioCraft • BuildCraft • ChargePads • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • CompactSolars • ComputerCraft • CreeperCollateral • DartCraft • DamageIndicators • DenLib • DenPipes • EnderStorage • EnhancedCore • EnhancedPortals 2 • EnhancedPortals 2-ComputerCraft • Equivalent Exchange 3 • Extra Bees and Trees • Extra Utilities • Factorization • Flat Signs • Forestry • GateCopy • Gravitation Suite • Gravity Gun • iChunUtil • IndustrialCraft 2 • InfiniBows • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • Magic Bees • Minecraft Forge • MineFactory Reloaded • Misc Peripherals • Modular Force Field System • Modular Powersuits • Modular Powersuits Addons • Mystcraft • Natura • NEI Addons • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OmniTools • OpenCCSensors • OpenPeripheral • Plugins for Forestry • Portal Gun (Mod) • PowerCrystals Core • Power Converters • Railcraft • Soul Shards • Stackie • Steve's Carts 2 • Thaumcraft 3 • Tinkers' Construct • Twilight Forest • VoxelMap • Thermal Expansion • GregTech 4 • Thaumic Tinkerer 1

Biomes O' Plenty • DeathTimer • Nether Ores • Nucleum Omnium • Secret Rooms • Vending • Xeno's Reliquary

Ampz Pack v2.0.4 (MC v1.5.2)

Applied Energistics • Atomic Science • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • ExtrabiomesXL • Galacticraft • ICBM • Immibis Core • Immibis's Microblocks • Inventory Tweaks • Mekanism • MFFS Calclavia • Minecraft Forge • MineFactory Reloaded • Modular Powersuits • Modular Powersuits Addons • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • PowerCrystals Core • Rei's Minimap


Direwolf20 1.5 v1.1.6 (MC v1.5.2)

Additional BuildCraft Objects • Applied Energistics • BiblioCraft • BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty • BiblioWoods Forestry • Binnie's Mods • Biomes O' Plenty • BuildCraft • ChargePads • ChickenChunks • CodeChickenCore • CoFH Core • CompactSolars • ComputerCraft • DenLib • DenPipes • DenPipes - Emerald • DenPipes - Forestry • EnderStorage • Equivalent Exchange 3 • Extra Utilities • Factorization • Forestry • ForgeMultipart • GateCopy • Gravity Gun • Hats • Hat Stand • iChunUtil • IndustrialCraft 2 • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • Logistics Pipes • Magic Bees • MFFS Calclavia • Minecraft Forge • MineFactory Reloaded • Misc Peripherals • Modular Force Field System • Modular Powersuits • Mystcraft • Natura • NEI Addons • NEI Plugins • Not Enough Items • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OmniTools • OpenPeripheral • Plugins for Forestry • Portal Gun (Mod) • PowerCrystals Core • Railcraft • Soul Shards • Steve's Carts 2 • Tinkers' Construct • Thaumcraft 3 • Translocators • Twilight Forest • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • VoxelMap • Thermal Expansion • Thaumic Tinkerer 1


FTB Ultimate v1.1.2 (MC v1.4.7)

BuildCraft • ComputerCraft • Gravity Gun • Advanced Solar Panels • Iron Chests • Not Enough Items • NEI Plugins • Portal Gun (Mod) • Thaumcraft 3 • Forestry • ExtrabiomesXL • Advanced Machines • ChargePads • Gravitation Suite • MineFactory Reloaded • Mystcraft • Nether Ores • RedPower 2 • Magic Bees • Twilight Forest • Applied Energistics • BiblioCraft • Extra Bees and Trees • ChickenChunks • CoFH Core • Misc Peripherals • Equivalent Exchange 3 • EnderStorage • Factorization • Flat Bedrock • Forge IRC • Immibis Core • IndustrialCraft 2 • GregTech • Modular Force Field System • Nuclear Control • Petroleum Generator • IntegratedSoundpacks • Inventory Tweaks • Modular Powersuits • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OmniTools • Power Converters • PowerCrystals Core • Railcraft • Secret Rooms • Soul Shards • Steve's Carts 2 • TubeStuff • VoxelMap • VoxelMenu • VoxelPlayer • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Xeno's Reliquary • XyCraft • Thermal Expansion


RPG Immersion Pack v1.0.1 (MC v1.4.7)

CodeChickenCore • Damage Indicators • Inventory Tweaks • Minecraft Forge • Not Enough Items • Divine RPG


MindCrack Pack v8.3.2 (MC v1.4.7)

Minecraft Forge • CodeChickenCore • Not Enough Items • NEI Plugins • CoFH Core • VoxelMap • VoxelMenu • VoxelPlayer • IntegratedSoundpacks • ChickenChunks • ExtrabiomesXL • BiblioCraft • BuildCraft • ComputerCraft • Misc Peripherals • EnderStorage • Factorization • Forestry • Extra Bees and Trees • Magic Bees • IndustrialCraft 2 • Advanced Solar Panels • Advanced Machines • Modular Force Field System • Gravitation Suite • Nuclear Control • Iron Chests • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OmniTools • Portal Gun (Mod) • Railcraft • RedPower 2 • Soul Shards • Steve's Carts 2 • Thaumcraft 3 • TrainCraft • Twilight Forest • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • XyCraft • Petroleum Generator • Thermal Expansion • GregTech 4


YogCraft Pack v1.0.0 (MC v1.4.7)

Minecraft Forge • CodeChickenCore • ChickenChunks • Inventory Tweaks • Not Enough Items • NEI Plugins • CoFH Core • PowerCrystals Core • VoxelMenu • VoxelPlayer • VoxelMap • IntegratedSoundpacks • BuildCraft • ComputerCraft • Misc Peripherals • EnderStorage • Equivalent Exchange 3 • Forestry • Extra Bees and Trees • Gravity Gun • IndustrialCraft 2 • Advanced Machines • Nuclear Control • Modular Force Field System • Iron Chests • Modular Powersuits • Portal Gun (Mod) • Power Converters • Railcraft • RedPower 2 • Soul Shards • Steve's Carts 2 • Thaumcraft 3 • Twilight Forest • Xeno's Reliquary • Thermal Expansion


Magic World v7.2.0 (MC v1.4.7)

BuildCraft • CodeChickenCore • EnderStorage • Not Enough Items • ExtrabiomesXL • Forestry • Forge IRC • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • Minecraft Forge • Mystcraft • Obsidian Pressure Plates • OmniTools • Railcraft • Rei's Minimap • Soul Shards • Steve's Carts 2 • Thaumcraft 3 • Twilight Forest • Xeno's Reliquary • Thermal Expansion


FTB Beta Pack A v12 (MC v1.4.2)

Advanced Machines • Advanced Solar Panels • BuildCraft • CodeChickenCore • ComputerCraft • EnderStorage • ExtrabiomesXL • Factorization • Forestry • ForgeIRC • Gravitation Suite • IndustrialCraft 2 • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • Minecraft Forge • Modular Force Field System • Mystcraft • NEI BuildCraft Plugin • NEI Forestry Plugin • NEI IC2 Burn Plugin • NEI Railcraft Plugin • Not Enough Items • Nuclear Control • Obsidian Pressure Plates • Portal Gun (Mod) • Railcraft • Rei's Minimap • Steve's Carts 2 • Twilight Forest • GregTech • Thermal Expansion


Wiki Rules

  1. Do not post any kind of spam or vandalism.
  2. Do not advertise. This includes servers, YouTube channels, websites and FTB-unrelated products.
    • You may advertise Feed The Beast servers on the FTB Servers list. Make sure to follow the rules stated there.
  3. Do not post any kind of adult or explicit content. This includes links, text, images and videos.
  4. Do not harass, insult, swear or discriminate. Keep discussions civil.
  5. Use the English language. Feed The Beast Wiki currently does not support articles in other languages.
  6. Use proper spelling and grammar. Keep the language formal and objective.
  7. Follow the Style Guide when creating or editing articles, uploading images and adding videos.

Things to do

FTB Multiplayer

Most FTB modpacks are multiplayer compatible. There are plenty of servers for you to join in on the fun! If you are looking for a server to play on, feel free to check out our list of FTB Servers. FTB servers also use mod related Death Messages.