Brew of Webs

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Brew of Webs
Brew of Webs

Name Brew of Webs
Source Mod Witchery
ID Name Unknown
Type Potion
Stackable Unknown

The Brew of Webs is an item added by the Witchery mod. It is a throw-able potion that explodes and creates a wide spread of webs when it hits anything. This brew is effective for slowing down a target, stopping a player from targeting the user, or simply for making sure that the player doesn't encounter fall damage if they fall from a great height. Wearing a Witches Hat and/or Robes while brewing can yield more brews than three.

Recipe [1][edit]

GUI Kettle.png
Dense Web
Mushroom (Red)
Wool of Bat
Dandelion (Minecraft)
Whiff of Magic
Belladonna Flower
Brew of Webs

Cheapest Custom Brew [2][edit]

GUI Witch's Cauldron None.png
Witch's Cauldron
Mandrake Root
Altar Power: 200
Brew of Webs


Brew of Webs can be used to create the following items:


  1. Wearing a Witches Hat and/or Robes while brewing can yield more brews than three.
  2. The Effect is the final stage of brewing, the ingredients needed for Capacity, Power, Duration, Modifier, and Dispersal must be added first.