Prismarine Shard (Minecraft)

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The main article can be found at Minecraft Wiki: Prismarine Shard.

Prismarine Shard
Prismarine Shard

Prismarine Shard

Name Prismarine Shard
Source Mod Minecraft
ID Name
OreDict Name
First Appearance MC 1.8
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
EMC Value 256

Prismarine Shard is a crafting ingredient added by vanilla Minecraft. It can be obtained by killing Guardians or Elder Guardians.


Actually Additions[edit]

GUI Atomic Reconstructor.png
Atomic Reconstructor
Nether Quartz
Atomic Reconstructor
Prismarine Shard (Minecraft)

30000 CF


GUI Chemical Combiner.png
Chemical Combiner
Beryl (Chem Lib)
Cobalt Aluminate
Prismarine Shard (Minecraft)

Garden of Glass[edit]

GUI Mana Infusion.png
Nether Quartz
Alchemy Catalyst
Prismarine Shard (Minecraft)

Mana Gauge GUI.png

1,000 Mana

Mystical Agriculture[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Guardian Essence
Guardian Essence
Guardian Essence

Prismarine Shard (Minecraft)

Tech Reborn[edit]

GUI Scrapbox.png
Scrap Box (Tech Reborn)
Prismarine Shard (Minecraft)


Prismarine Shard (Minecraft) can be used to create the following items: