Rod of the Bifrost

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Rod of the Bifrost
Rod of the Bifrost

Name Rod of the Bifrost
Source Mod Botania
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

Rod of the Bifrost is an item added by the Botania mod. R-click with this rod will create a bridge in the direction player is looking at, at the cost of some mana. The bridge extends up to 1000 blocks and also cannot be broken, but it will disappear after ≈ 15 seconds.
After R-clicking the rod cannot be used again for a few seconds.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Pixie Dust (Botania)

Elementium Ingot
Pixie Dust (Botania)
Elementium Ingot

Rod of the Bifrost


Rod of the Bifrost can be used to create the following items: